Dare To Be Vulnerable
The Dare To Be Vulnerable Project (DTBV) provides a safe haven for a courageous conversation to hatch and take flight. A place where those that dare to be vulnerable talk openly about their mental health challenges without fear of judgement and without shame.
We are on a mission to break the silence, bust the stigma, remove the shame, and ultimately save lives by making talking about our mental health cool.
Your donation, to Dare To Be Vulnerable’s Canadian registered Charity Partner, Mind Ally, helps to fund the production and distribution of the Dare To Be Vulnerable Project’s first 48 video stories.
Every donation to the Dare To Be Vulnerable Project also provides support for Mind Ally’s ongoing efforts to create a collaborative supportive mental health world that guides people on their journey to mental wellness.
To donate to the Dare To Be Vulnerable Project, please use one of the following options and indicate your donation is for the Dare To Be Vulnerable Project:
E-transfer to: “donate@mindally.org”
By Cheque:
Mind Ally
123 Slater Street, 6th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1P 5H2
By Credit Card: